Lemon, Lime, & Blood Orange Infused Water with Tarragon & Rose Petals


  • 1 Lemon, (sliced thin).
  • 1 Lime, (sliced thin).
  • 1 Blood orange (sliced thin).
  • 2 Sprigs of tarragon 
  • 5/6 Rose peteals
  • Purified water

Benefits: (Just to name a few...)

  • Improves your mood.
  • Helps flush toxins out of your body!
  • Helps curb appetite (who doesn't like that?)!
  • Assists with water weight loss!
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  1. Start by thinly slicing your fruit with a parring knife
  2. Next rinse off your tarragon sprigs & rose petals.
  3. place all the ingredients into a large sized pitcher, cover with purified water to the top, and chill in the fridge.

(TIP: It's best to use organic ingredients, and purified water when infusing. This ensures no chemicals will  transfer into the water, and only nutritional  benefits remain. )

Enjoy !

...within 24/48hrs. when infused for longer the flavors start to become bitter.